Our works

Commented human surveillance

The issue of the security continuum is by no means a new subject. It was not established by the report of the parliamentary mission Alice Thourot and Jean-Michel Fauvergue but rather by an old approach of the State in order to respond to its difficulties in managing “exceptional” situations in its areas of competence.

Human surveillance

Human Surveillance is today quite disconnected from the modern needs of businesses, from the evolution of civil society, and uncorrelated from today's economic world.

Fire Safety in Flex office

Fire safety and evacuation functions facing the challenges of the new work organization

Security Continuum human surveillance

The most successful example of the safety continuum is that of fire regulations. For many years, the State has adopted the principle of complementarity or even well-understood substitution (State – Communities – Businesses).

Safety-Security and CSR

Same fight, or how to better integrate the notion of Safety essential to Social and Environmental Responsibility.

Artificial Intelligence and Safety and Security

Code of Ethics in Safety and Security

Fire Safety in Flex Office space in the era of Teleworking

The employee, an actor in corporate Safety and Security, through training

Job description (mission) of the Safety and Security Director

You said resilience!!!

Digital business trust and security:

The essential collaboration between CISO and Safety and Security Director.

Book: Safety and Security, the untapped wealth of the company

(published by Editions EYROLLES in the collection created by Laurent NOCCA of Top Management)

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